2021年12月5日 星期日

#9 Is there a short-term or long-term goal that you want to achieve in your life? What is it? How to turn your goals into reality? What’s your plan?

In my long-term goal, I'd like to get CFA level 2 certificate.

To achieve my goal, I have to promote my English ability and enhance my finance knowledge.

I must squeeze more time to study if I want to improve those abilities. So I use commuting time to listen to English podcast. And read the business news before get bed. In order to increase my vocabulary, I will recite 30 words every day. When I have leisure time, I will  study the extracurricular reading about finance. Also, I will expand my general  economic knowledge by reading books. I will do some CFA certificate exercises in the weekend to know my learning status.

2021年11月28日 星期日

#8 The Key to Success: Grit

I think the key to success is time and self management also grit. People always think the time is sufficient, so they will put off things and get relax first. However, they will find the time almost run out, and get things done hastily.

In contrast, when you manage time and yourself, all things will change. First, getting important things done, and you will find you have so many time for yourself. These time you have you can fully relax, and have no pressure to enjoy yourself.

● grit  勇氣,毅力  (n.)

Definition - courage and determination despite difficulty

It takes true grit to stand up to a bully.

● demanding 費時費力的,耗費精力的 (adj.)

Definition - needing a lot of time, attention, or energy

I left a very demanding job in management consulting for a job that was even more demanding: teaching.

● persevere 鍥而不捨,堅持不懈 (v.)

Definition - to try to do or continue doing something in a determined way, despite having problems

Despite receiving little support, the women are persevering with their crusade to fight crime.

● stamina 耐力;耐性;持久力 (n.)

Definition - the physical and/or mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long time

The triathlon is a great test of stamina.

● day in day out 一天接一天,日復一日 (phrase)

Definition - (especially of something boring) done or happening every day for a long period of time

I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out.

2021年11月14日 星期日

#7 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

  • Procrastination 拖延 (n.)

Definition -  the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring.

This is no time for procrastination - we need decisive action.

  • Spiral 急劇惡化 (adj.)

Definition -  If a situation spirals, it quickly gets worse in a way that becomes more and more difficult to control.

Violence in the country is threatening to spiral out of control.

  • Overlap 重疊部分;相同之處 (n.)

Definition -  The amount by which two things or activities cover the same area.

There are some overlaps between the products of the two companies.

This talk is about  Procrastination. 
In this talk, the speaker found that when people do papers, they will schedule things like staircase.
However, when you want to do things, the Instant Gratification Monkey will show up and distract you.  
And the speaker believes that the non-procrastinator doesn't exist.
There is not many times for all of us to procrastinate, so we need to stay aware the Instant Gratification Monkey to distract us.

2021年11月6日 星期六

#6 Home Office VS Actual Office: Which One Is Better?

There is no standard answer which one is better.

I will say mix two ways is better.

When we work from home we have flexible time to deal our own work and there is nothing can distract you. You just need to finish your work on time. As you need have a meeting with your team members, you can book the office meet room to gather around your team member to discussion. Sometimes, you have a few questions but you don't know how to deal with. You can use communication app to ask your college.

You still need to go to office one to two days every week. To let the team members know in this week what have you done and what difficult you have. You can seize the day to deal with your problems.

Mix the two work ways have many pros and cons. 


  1. Arange your time flexible
  2. Can have more time to exercise and relax.
  3. Go to office when you need.
  4. Reduce the commuting you have more  time to sleep.
  5. Less the company's financial costs.

  1. Company cultural well disappear.
  2. Colleges well grow apart.
  3. Company hard to control things.
  4. In flexible work time you hard to communicate with college.
Different work have different proportion of home office and actual office.

2021年10月22日 星期五

#4 Do you use AI in your everyday life?

Everyday, I pick up my smart phone it is full of AI.

When I walk on the street pass by a shop and hearing a song but I don't know what this song's name. I will open the google assistant to help me find this song. I just need to ask it what this song is it will tell me what is this song. It is very convenient to find a song you don't know.

Google assistant also can help you set alarm clock, open app, make jokes, search things and make phone calls.

However, I like to use the smart camera the most. Because you just need to take a photo and it will find it for you. For example, when I was shopping clothes on the street and I found the clothes I want. I just need to use smart camera to take a photo it will find the same or similar clothes for me. So I can do price comparison.

Smart camera not only can do this but can search articles. When I was using social media I found an good article but I don't know where it come. So I use smart camera to search then I can found it.

AI is very convenient but is dangerous too. Because we always depend AI to search, find and set what you want. After a period of time, you will forget how to do these on your own. So we can use AI but not depend AI.

2021年10月15日 星期五

#3 Is technology harmful to you?

Is technology harmful to you? 

To me, my answer is No.

Why No?

Because of technology, I have a special experience at high school. 

When I was high school. I attend Nation High School Skills Competition of Word Processing. 

During training, I have to practice word. And learn how to deal different type of files like short, long files, form and Merge printing.   

Those skills let me can process files better than else.

I think if you use technology wisely you can have more benefit from it.

It depend on how you choose to use technology. 

But it’s okay to use technology to rest in moderation.

2021年10月9日 星期六

#2 Five good words

 Is technology harmful to youngsters?

If you interest in these five good words where come from, you can find them in this podcast.

  • immersive   身臨其境的 (adj.)

Definition - seeming to surround the audience, player, etc. so that they feel completely involved in something

EX:Alternatively, some researchers devote to the use of virtual reality to improve the human/robot interaction by an immersive interactional environment.

  • pop up   (指突然地)出現,發生 (phrase)

Definition - to appear or happenespecially suddenly or unexpectedly
EX:She's one of those movie stars who pops up everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on Broadway.

  • manipulate   操縱,控制 (v.)

Definition - to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly
EX:The opposition leader accused government ministers of manipulating the statistics to suit themselves.

  • recap  扼要重述,摘要說明,概括 (v.)

Definition - to repeat the main points of an explanation or description

EX:To recap, our main aim is to increase sales by 15 percent this year.

  • accessible  可進入的,可接近的,可得到的 (adj.)

Definition - able to be reached or easily got
EX:The problem with some of these drugs is that they are so very accessible.